This is “A Now Page“, and if you have your own web, you should make one too.

I update this page quarterly, and will be grouped by year, you can click the Table of contents for easy navigation 🙂

Last update: 30 January 2021

Table of Contents

2022 - Year of Resilient

🏡 Home move to East Jakarta


  • Joined Desty as Senior UI/UX Designer for UED team

2021 - Year of Hopes

🏡 2021 so far

🗽I’m currently doing:

  • Learning about “Digital Transformation” in Coursera

📚 I’m currently reading:

  • Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
  • Make Time book by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky (finished 🏁)
  • Inspired by Marty Cagan (finished 🏁)

2020 -
Year of Struggling

🏡 2020 so far

  • Newly Weds @ March 2020
  • Honeymoon and holiday in Bali, Jogja & Malang. And also visit my parents in Lembang, Bandung Quarantine and stay at home #DiRumahAja with my lovely wife in Tebet, Jakarta Selatan. I created Spotify playlist to embrace this COVID-19 Pandemic hard times.
  • Learn to embrace resilience by meditating, reading and doing jogging run around Manggarai-Tebet, 1-3 times per week. And also by watching featured Netflix movies 🍿

🗽I’m currently doing:

  • Explore web static generator Jekyll and Hugo
  • Explore and experimenting using Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap 5
  • Learn and explore about Product Management #prodmgmt from Udemy courses, E-books, Youtube videos and Medium articles.
  • Learn and explore about DesignOps and Design System from E-books, Youtube videos and articles.
  • Unlearn and re-learn (read: retrospective) about UX and Product Design best practice. Check my unlearn UX hidden gems resources
    >> Design 1 on 1 Podcast by Mas Sigit, you can check his Youtube channel.
    >> A&J Smart videos.
    >> Skillshare courses.

📚 I’m currently reading:​

  • Origin by Dan Brown (finished 🏁)
  • Re-read Design of Everyday Thing (DOET) by Don Norman (I have target to finish it in September 2020)
  • Waiting the book shipment “Inspired” by Marty Cagan, from UK.
  • Reading countless E-books, hehe 😂
  • P.S. you can check my Goodreads page and my Book Authority profile 🤓